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TAG Classes

The Therapy through Adaptive Gymnastics (TAG) Program will provide one on one or small group instruction to individuals who have special needs and who need a more direct and focused learning path. Using a therapeutic approach with the help of adaptive gymnastics, individuals will work with a TAG coach to advance their physical and cognitive wellness. The one on one or small group instruction allows the TAG coach to design all curriculum individually and specifically for each child.

Our Mission

It is the mission of G-Force Gymnastics TAG Program is to help all children grow and develop in a positive manner through the art and sport of gymnastics. We will strive to make every child feel a sense of self-worth and importance. We will work to develop physical strength, coordination, flexibility, and balance in order to improve gross and fine motor skills through adaptive gymnastics.  At the same time, develop their mind, self-confidence, and discipline in a positive and fun learning environment.

Our Philosophy

At G-Force Gymnastics we believe:

  • Every child is unique and deserves the individual attention necessary to inspire them to reach their full potential.

  • We can instill a sense of confidence, self-worth and success through positive reinforcement.

  • Learning in a fun and safe environment is essential for our athletes to excel and in all areas of their development.

What Our Families Have to Say!

“Katherine was what you would call a “clumsy kid” early in life.  She met all of her growth milestones, but she struggled with some fine motor skill items as she got closer to the age of 5.  One day while on vacation, I noticed that her right arm was not stretching as far as the left one.  I thought she injured it, but she didn’t have any pain within the arm.  When we returned home, we met with our pediatrician who noted that after looking closer, she suspected Katherine may have a mild case of Cerebral Palsy.  I was in shock.  I didn’t know “mild” cases existed.  I always pictured individuals in wheelchairs when they had that diagnosis. 

And so the long road to getting a diagnosis began.  While waiting for the CT scan to confirm that diagnosis, we began physical therapy.  Through an evaluation, a Physical Therapist showed me why Katherine was tripping on a regular basis.  Her right foot was not lifting properly off the floor.  She also had a very weak right arm and hand.  Katherine began PT immediately at age 5 and went 3x a week targeting those areas.  A few months later, we were able to get a confirmed diagnosis.  She had level one, right side hemiplegia and spasticity caused by brain damage in utero on the left side of her brain.  Simply put….she was confirmed as having been born with Cerebral Palsy. 

 After meeting with her Pediatric Neurologist, we learned that the good news was it isn’t something that gets progressively worse with age.  She would have to work very hard and focus on her right side to get it strong, but once it was there, she could maintain her condition with physical activity.  We continued with the physical therapy and Katherine began to show improvement.  A few months later, we were at a birthday party at G-force gymnastics.  I was curious if gymnastics would be a good fit for Katherine and began that discussion with Coach Gianna. 

 She immediately showed strong interest in Katherine and stated that not only was she a gymnastics’ coach, but she also was offering personal coaching sessions that would integrate gymnastics with physical therapy.  We were sold!  This would give Katherine the opportunity to strengthen her body, have fun and learn new skills.  After each session, Gianna met with me and reviewed the therapy completed that day.  She also offered homework and tasks for home.  Katherine exclusively worked with Gianna for almost a year at G-force.  After a year, she was at a point where she was able to enter the group sessions.  Gianna still meets with Katherine once a week to focus on the items that need a little more attention.  Along with that and the group lessons, Katherine has dramatically improved over the past 4 years. 

The TAG (Therapy Through Adaptive Gymnastics) at G-Force is an amazing program that truly changed my daughter’s life.  It has strengthened her right-side almost to the point that you don’t notice a difference between her right and left side.  She has developed confidence that she didn’t have before working with Coach Gianna.  The skills and interests she now has in gymnastics will be with her for the rest of her life.  She will need to stay physical active to keep her CP under control and this program has given her the skill set to do that.


If your child has any kind of physical limitation that requires physical therapy, I highly recommend this program.   We are so blessed to have Coach Gianna and the TAG program at G-Force Gymnastics!”

Krista Gessing

During my daughters gymnastics practice Gianna and Lisa noticed her curling her toes when on the beam. They immediately took action by bringing her attention to it, helping her to focus on correcting the issue, giving her exercises to do at home, and fun one on one time with Gianna. It has greatly helped her balance! 

- Royce Weil

-Jered and Dawn Eaglesmith

Our 6 year old daughter began working with Coach Gianna Springer at (G Force Gymnastics) when she was four years old. Our daughter was born 3 months premature and the NICU Medical team said she will probably have to walk with a pediatric walker or some sort of orthopedics device. She has also been tested for Cerebral Palsy which came back negative. My husband and I decided to get her into gymnastics to help with her overall physical condition. We were paired up with Coach Gianna who focused on working with children with special needs. Coach Gianna and our daughter began working together once a week for an hour at a time, plus group gymnastics once a week as well. It was the perfect gymnastic match. Coach Gianna worked with our daughter and helped her with her confidence, and gross and fine motor skills. We watched Coach Gianna work with our daughter on beam, trampoline, rope, climbing ladders and many other various tasks . When our daughter first started she was uncoordinated. Now she can play hopscotch, do cartwheels, ride her bike and the list goes on. Our daughter is physically stronger and I cannot begin to describe so many other successes.

Click the button below to start the intake evaluation form.


Email our TAG Program Director, Gianna Springer, at 

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